What excites you about your career here at CLR?

My job is fun! All day long I think about animals and unique ways to adapt their housing/designed habitats to their species-specific traits. Every day it is something new; I am never confronted with the same problem twice.

What do you like about exhibit design?

Whether through empathy, natural habitat appreciation, opportunities to introduce new educational material, or positive associations due to joyful visitor experience, I feel that as a designer I can affect larger (beneficial) conversations about coexistence with wildlife.

What do you enjoy doing on the weekend?

I have a wife, a little boy, and a dog. We like to travel to new places together. This past weekend we visited a waterfall in upstate NY.

Tell us something fun or funny about yourself that most people don’t know.

Sometimes I feel shy and can’t think of anything interesting to talk about (those who know me will find this funny!) I can also juggle 5 oranges.

Lionel Monsky
Senior Architect, AIA